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Carrot - Lunar White, 12" Long

$299 EUR

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The Lunar White Carrot (Daucus carota) is a creamy-white carrot with a small core and mild, sweet flavor that grows 8"-12" long. Harvest sooner for smaller carrots. Half-hardy to frost and light freezes. Good steamed, roasted, and fresh.

  • Sweet, mild flavor
  • Size: 8"-12" long
  • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
  • Days to maturity: 70-75
  • Can be harvested sooner for mini carrots

Good companion plants: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Chives, Lettuce, Onion, Parsley, Peas, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Tomato


  • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
  • Spacing between plants: 2" apart
  • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
  • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
  • Germination soil temps: 65F-85F
  • Soil needs: 6.0-6.8 pH
  • Sun needs: Full sun
  • Hardiness: Half-hardy to frost and light freezes
  • Planting season: Spring, fall
  • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 16 plants per sq. ft.
  • Days to maturity: 70-75 days

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