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Squash (Winter) - Gold Nugget

$099 EUR

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Gold Nugget Winter Squash Seeds

(100% Heirloom/Non-Hybrid/Non-GMO)

  • The Gold Nuggest squash is popular 3 lb fruit that is extremely delicious.

    - Grows as a compact bush (not as a vine).

    - Orange/yellow colored flesh.

    - Very sweet and full of flavor - perfect for roasting or baking.

    - Ideal for any sized garden
    and easy to grow.

  • Day to Maturity | 80 days

Additional Details

Though considered a vegetable in cooking, botanically speaking, squash is a fruit (being the receptacle for the plant's seeds). Squash can be served fresh (in salads) and cooked (squash stuffed with meat, fried squash, baked squash).

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